fine art pet photography wokingham

EBBOO & BEAR, before and after

Two best mates…the old girl Ebbo and young chap Bear.
All my images are prepared for high quality printing large, so they are edited to look best on paper/canvas or whatever the printed medium clients choose. But how does it differ from when editing for digital (viewed on screen only)? The main difference is the levels of detail – once you print something you will look at it at a great detail so all the misplaced hairs and even the tiniest spots on backdrop will ‘scream out’ very loud! Such editing is always done at 100% zoom.
Before you ask: I have tried to get that crease out of the backdrop but whatever I do, it remains a mystery why it’s not coming out…so I am continuing to photoshop it out until I have figured out how to get rid of it!
PS. I have also painted the legs of the chaise lounge since this image was taken to save time toning them down each time 🙂